I’m all Snacked out: Top 5 Snacks

I’m all Snacked out: Top 5 Snacks

The term snack is nostalgic for me. It reminds me of my childhood days when the bell hit 10 am.. Ding Ding Ding.. and every kid in class knew it was RECESS TIME! We hurried to our lunch pails for our snacks and munched on them to our heart’s content. As I grew older and there was no more recess time, snacks were just not the same anymore. I did not really snack in between meals and waited until lunch or dinner to eat again. But recently, I revived my  fire for eating snacks! And you know why? Because I was always so DARN hungry all the time. So it was time to bring back snacks into my life. I find that eating snacks helps to re-energize my brain so I function better during the day. I finally found snacks that I enjoy eating so check out my top  5 snack list!

1. Boomchickapop Popcorn

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My friend introduced me to Angie’s Boomchickapop popcorn. I’m glad she told me about this popcorn brand because I really like it a lot.  Angie’s Boomchickapop Popcorn is a whole grain popcorn that is gluten free and non-GMO.  Some of the flavors for Boomchickapop Popcorn include real butter, sea salt, white cheddar, and sweet and salty. Depending on the store, there will be different flavors available. My favorite is the sea salt popcorn; it’s light, and the touch of salt brings out the flavor of the popcorn. I like simple flavors so you don’t get the added calories from any additional flavoring. Boomchickapop Popcorn is better than any other brand I’ve tried and also better than microwavable popcorn and popcorn from the movie theaters. If the sea salt is too bland for you, try the white cheddar popcorn. The white cheddar popcorn is also very delicious. You can find Boomchickapop Popcorn at Target and Amazon. I sometimes lack fiber in my diet so eating this popcorn helps boosts my fiber intake.

2. Blue Diamond Almonds 

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Blue Diamond specializes in almond products. My favorite Blue Diamond product is the Honey Roasted Almonds. The honey adds a sweet flavor to the almonds, and it’s just so hard to put down after eating a few pieces. Almonds taste great and  are a good source of Vitamin E, magnesium, and manganese. I like purchasing the can, like the picture shown above, so I can carry it on the go in my purse and eat it anytime I want. These almonds curb my appetite every time I’m hungry, and it goes great with yogurt or salads. Almonds also go great on their own or mixed with your favorite foods.

3. Quaker Rice Cakes- Chocolate Crunch

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I really like the Quaker Rice Cakes Chocolate Crunch. I just love anything chocolate! When I have a craving for something sweet, but I don’t want to go over the top, I head to the store for some Quaker Rice Cakes Chocolate Crunch. When I eat these, I don’t feel overwhelmed with sweetness, and it satisfies my sweet tooth. This snack is great because it’s 100% whole grain, and it’s low in sodium. Be a little creative and add other toppings like Nutella or peanut butter on it!

4. Good Thins Sweet Potato

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When I took my first bite of the Good Thins Sweet Potato, I was just in heaven. It tastes like an actual sweet potato. It’s crunchy like a potato chip, but with less than 1/2 the amount of fat found in regular potato chips. These Good Thins Sweet Potato are not oily and serves as a great alternative to potato chips. And it goes well with your favorite sandwiches! The downside is the package is small for the price you pay on this snack.

5. Roasted Seaweed (Nori)

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Roasted seaweed or Nori is a popular Asian snack. You’ve probably seen seaweed used in preparing sushi, rolls, and musubis. I like seaweed because it is  simple and easy to eat. I eat so much seaweed that I have pieces of seaweed stuck in between my teeth. So check for stuck seaweed in your teeth after you’re done eating! Seaweed snacks are packaged as thin sheets, which makes it easy to eat.  I like the crunch, saltiness and “sea” like taste to it. Nori is low in calories, high in iodine, a good source of Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, phosphorus, and magnesium. It also contains protein and fiber.

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