Egg Boil Time: Boil the Perfect Soft, Medium and Hard Egg

You might be wondering what is the proper egg boil time. Well learn how to boil the perfect egg and learn the correct egg boil time! I remember the days when I was still learning how to boil eggs during my grad school days when I actually had to cook on my own. Forget about cooking in college, the cafeteria at the dorms always had delicious food. My first attempts resulted in overcooked boiled eggs. After peeling the egg and slicing it to check the doneness, I could see the gray outline around the yolk; I boiled them for too long. For those beginners out there, here is a brief guide on egg boil time.
Make sure to add enough water in the pot so the egg is covered in water. When the water begins to boil, place the eggs in the pot. Don’t wait too long after the water has boiled because the egg may crack.
After you have boiled the egg according to your desired preference, immediately soak the egg in cold water to stop the cooking process. I always use the kitchen timer on my stove to keep track of the cooking time.
Egg Boil Time: 7 mins for Soft and Gooey Yolk
To achieve a soft and gooey boiled egg, cook it for 7 minutes. This would be my ideal perfect egg if I’m eating my egg after it’s been cooled. I love how the warm yolk melts in my mouth.
Egg Boil Time: 8 mins Medium Cooked Yolk
To achieve the medium cooked egg, boil it for 8 mins. Similar to the soft and gooey boiled egg, the yolk has a bright orange-yellow color. But the yolk is a bit more solidified almost like a jelly and still has that soft texture.
Egg Boil Time: 11 mins for Fully Cooked Yolk
To achieve the fully cooked yolk, boil for 11 mins. The yolk is completely solidified and has a pale yellow color. I cook the yolk fully when I make egg salad sandwiches, egg salads or plan to eat my boiled eggs in the next few days.